Founder's Story

The Journey of Tsavora Coach Isaac Mburu Wanyoike

Isaac Mburu commenced the sport of fencing in 2015.He got a scholarship for a Master of Fencing and a high certificate in fitness and coaching science. At the end of the training, an athlete/coach attains a diploma certificate certified by International Fencing Federation (FIE) and South Africa Fencing Federation. Coach Isaac Mburu completed his course at the end of 2021 and started professional coaching in 2022. Isaac Currently coaches 30 Fencers at Tsavora Fencing Club.

Isaac Mburu Wanyoike is the number one top athlete – Fencing in Kenya. He is the founder and CEO of Tsavora Fencing Club, where he coaches, juniors and seniors to become professional fencers.

What we are doing

Currently, Tsavora Fencing Club is coaching four international schools, to promote the sport of Fencing in Kenya, and enable students to be professional in the mastery of the sport.
The vision of the club is big, it also launched Tsavora Fencing Mtaani in Mathare and Huruma towns of Nairobi. It is training 30 cadets and six seniors at the moment.

Future of Tsavora

Tsavora Fencing Club Plan
The club plans to start national schools training and the Tsavora Mashinani program in January. Tsavora Fencing Club is growing with different projects although there are challenges that require some possible solutions for the club to accomplish its vision. Tsavora Fencing is open to partnering with corporates for sponsorships. For example, during the national schools’ fencing training, four students will be sponsored for three-quarters of their tuition fees, equipment and training in the sport. Tsavora Fencing will facilitate the training fees of eight students from the team annually. Each national school will have a team of 12 students in total. National schools’ training projects need sponsorship at the initial stage because so many things are required at the club. Professional Fencing equipment, Fencing gear and a spacious training facility.

Why Savora Fancing

Tsavora Fencing, the fastest-growing fencing club in Kenya, offers income-generating initiatives, including the International Schools Program and the training/certification of professional coaches.

In 2024, Tsavora will be:

  1. Hosting championships, fencing boot-camps and interschool competitions across the country.
  2. Providing opportunities for fencers to join the Kenya National Fencing Teams and compete Internationally.
  3. Impacting communities through fencing sport all across the country and helping to mitigate social dysfunctions.
  4. Creating income opportunities for youths through Tsavora fencing programs.

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